Saturday, February 26, 2011

Second Annual Valentines Day Pirate's Treasure Hunt

This was the second year that we hid chocolates and goodies for the boys at Webster Park. David goes and plants them and "steals the map from the pirates so we can steal their treasure" and then comes back to get the boys and I. We made a map for Jacob to follow and David gave hints. This year Jacob wasn't so sure that we had stolen the map from actual pirates...but he knew for sure the chocolate gold came from the pirates :)

Just arrived at the park, ready with our swords...just incase we run into pirates!

arrrr!, where's the treasure?!?!?

Josh on the trail...

Jacob checking the pirates map

Treasure hidden behind the old smokehouse!

Woo hoo and Richard Scarey Numbers Workbook...


1 comment:

Chase said...

Loooooove the pic of Joshua "On the Trail"...he looks like a little to fight his battles. One of them being his big bro Jakie...the Warlock! haha. Good stuff...good stuff.