Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our Oregon Trip

This year we were able to fly out to Eugene to spend two weeks with our West Coast family. Jacob had a blast! He was up everyday at 6am running down stairs to visit with his Nana and Papa.

Here are Josh and I in the children's museum up in Portland.

Jacob on our trip to The Portland Children's Museum. I have to admit I was a little jealous. These people were not afraid to let the kids make a mess. There was an awesome water room. The kids had vests and got to experiment with moving the water around thru pumps etc. There was also a room with got to build anything they wanted then glaze it and come back in a few weeks to pick it up once it had been fired...HELLO AWESOME!

Chase and Josh in Bend

Jacob and Eric hanging out

Aunt Lindsay, Eric and Jacob

From Left to Right David's Aunt Diane, Me, GG, David's Cousin Olivia, Addie, Jacob and Davids Mom. This was before we headed off to the Campbell House for tea.

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